Patrice - CODRU Festival


Let's be honest: We are all more or less prisoners of our screens, the
brain matrixed by the algorithms of our smartphones, eyes glued to
thousands of filtered, retouched, calibrated images… We live in a world where
a single photo must be able to summarize the essential, a world or any message must
be able to contract in a 30-second story. It is the evil of the times, because these
seductive clichés, these cut montages and these too succinct pitches betray reality, they
are only deformed reflections of it. Musicians like Patrice suffer more than
others of this hyper consumption of prefabricated images which alter our perception
of society, in particular art and artists.
The intensity and passion with which he lives his music while traveling around the world does not
can be summed up in the traces it leaves on the networks.